Variability in the Upper Ocean Mass and Thermal Structure of
Drake Passage
Janet Sprintall, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Temperature Variability.
Year-round, near bi-monthly monitoring of the upper-ocean temperature
in Drake Passage has been undertaken since September 1996 through repeat
XBT surveys. The 29 transects completed to date follow three main tracks
shown in Figure 1. Approximately 70 XBT probes are dropped per crossing
at intervals of ~10-15 km, with higher station spacing of ~6 km when crossing
the Subantarctic Front (SAF) and the Polar Front (PF). The mean positions
of the SAF and PF from the XBT data are much further south than their
positions. There is significant variation in the width of the Antarctic
Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) on interannual time scales (Figure 2), although
there is no clear seasonal signal nor a dependence on the frequent presence
of eddies (E) in the APFZ.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
The mean temperature structure shows a strong temperature gradient across
the passage, with the highest variability found at the surface with the
meridional excursion of the PF (Figure 3). At the southern end of the transect,
the variability reflects the formation of the sub-zero temperatures of the
Antarctic Surface Water formed in JAS and surface-capped to ~100 m each
JFM by summer heating. For this reason, the average top 100 m temperature
is much cooler in winter than the average temperature at depth, which shows
little variation between 200-700 m (Figure 4). Mesoscale eddy-type features
populate the APFZ during most winter (JAS) surveys, and their impact is
evident in the exchange of Antarctic and SubAntarctic water masses in the
northern part of the section. The minimum variability between 200-800 m
and 59°S-61°S occurs in the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water, which
remains a constant 2°C.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Geostrophic Transport Variability.
To determine transport estimates from the XBT temperature measurements we
derive an empirical relationship between upper ocean temperature and a
transport streamfunction. The multivariate regression relationship is
using over 250 CTD casts from the historical data collected in the Drake
Passage. Validation of the relationship is obtained using the ISOS cruises
in Drake Passage during 1975-76 and 1979-81, which consist of both full-depth
CTD casts and XBT measurements. The rms difference between the actual dynamic
height relative to 2500 m, and the value predicted by the regression
using both CTD and the XBT temperatures was of the order of 5-10 dyn cm.
The difference in dynamic height across the Drake Passage is of order 1.5
dyn m. This suggests that the relationship can be used to determine baroclinic
transport (relative to 2500 m) from the recent high density XBT sections
with only a small error.
The geostrophic transport for each cruise strongly suggests a banded nature
to the flow through the passage (Figure 5). Alternating eastward and westward
bands of transport are evident in the APFZ, although in general, strong
eastward flow is found at the location of the SAF and PF (triangles). Some,
although not all, of the reversing bands of flow can be attributed to the
presence of mesoscale eddy-type features. In the mean cross-track transport
(Figure 6), eastward transport is associated with the PF (~58S), although
substantial eastward transport is also found north of the SAF along the
continental boundary, albeit with strong variability. Transport to the south
of the PF is typically much weaker, although again, significant eastward
transport can be associated with the Continental Water Boundary (CWB) of
Antarctica. The 5-year time series of total transport through Drake Passage
shows substantial variability on interannual time scales, and commensurate
with the positions of the fronts in Figure 2, no real seasonal signal is
discernible (Figure 7). The mean total transport value of 78.3 Sv is of
the same order as that determined from the ISOS measurements relative to
2500 dB.
Mesoscale eddy-type features frequently populate the APFZ, particularly
during late winter (September and November) surveys, although in more recent
years they have occurred more regularly with no seasonal preference (Figure
2). The XBT temperature, XCTD salinity and TOPEX/Poseidon sea surface height
anomaly (SSHa) at the time of the Drake Passage XBT surveys in September
1996 (Figure 8, top), September 1998 (middle) and November 1998 (bottom)
clearly show the meridional water mass exchange of the cold, fresh Antarctic
Surface Water to the south, and the warm, saltier SubAntarctic Water to
the north. The variance of the SSHa shows a bullet in a deep basin through
which the transect cross (Figure 9), that is strongest during JAS. Preliminary
analysis of the SSHa data found both extreme high and low features congregate
in this basin, before weakening and moving north-northwest with speeds 20-30
cm/s. Spectral analysis of the SSHa data suggest time scales of ~40 days
and spatial scales of ~150-200 km. Future work will combine the highly
high resolution XBT and SSHa data to further examine the time and space
scales of mesoscale eddy propagation and heat transport through Drake Passage.