10m file information

Each .10 file contains data from one high resolution XBT transect.

The files are named by Line designation, year, and starting month, i.e. p379801a.10 contains data from Line PX37 for the cruise beginning in January 1998.

The first line of the file gives the number of profiles contained in that file, e.g. 97 in the example below, from p379801a.10 .

Each profile is preceeded by a header line containing:
latitude, east longitude, date (day/month/year), time (gmt), profile number.

Each profile contains 90 values of temperature (degC), written as 12i6, in thousandths of a degree. Each data value is the average over a 10-meter interval, beginning with 0-10 m through 890-900 m. Missing values (below bottom strikes, wire breaks or other end of profile) are marked -999.

The first temperature value in the example below is 14.458 degC.

Example: First 19 lines from p379801a.10 :

   37.649  237.043  1/ 1/98  3:35: 8 001
 14458 14479 14561 14564 14582 14614 14646 14697  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
   37.639  237.008  1/ 1/98  3:40:23 002
 14740 14831 14889 14837 14753 14743 14745 14640 14480 14273 13754  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999
  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999  -999

The .10 files available for download from this site reflect the Hanawa et al 1995 fall rate equation. See Introduction.

Click here to download Kate Edwards program for reading .10 files into matlab.